
Manhattan Christian Fellowship Church

MP3 Men's Fellowship at Manhattan Christian Fellowship Church

"...When I became a man..." 1 Corinthians 13:11

  • Winning Lost Men
  • Serving Men
  • Growing Men
  • Growing Families 

Mission Statement

The mission of the MP3 men's ministry is to connect with men in our church and in our community. To draw men to Christ from every place by witnessing and sharing the loving power of Christ Jesus our Lord. The goal of MP3 is to embrace men who come to Christ, and helping them to become better men of God, husbands, and fathers. We want to help men grow and develop spiritually and socially. Our commitment to every man is to help men develop the spiritual character of God through the discipleship making process. Our goal is to teach men the biblical definition of manhood as it is described in scripture. To teach men what a biblical man's role and responsibility looks like when lived out in life. Our goal is to model before men the character of real manhood in a seemly confused and Godless society. Our goal is to help men develop a personal relationship with God, with their family and with their church and their community. Then still our goal is to teach men how to be the Priest, Protector, and Provider of our family. We hold ourselves accountable to this mission and to one another as men. We have adopted the following core values:

Core Values of MP3 Men

These following values have been adopted by the Leadership Team of MP3 men's Ministry as it's foundational principles by which we hold ourselves accountable before God.


MP3 men are loyal, devoted, and committed to these Core values:

A. God: it is exemplified in a man's:

  • Personal relationship with God
  • Personal prayer life with God
  • Personal study of God's Word
  • Personal life of service to God's Kingdom

B. Family: it is exemplified in:

  • Husbands love for his wife
  • Fathers love for his children
  • Man's modeling of a Christian lifestyle

C. Church: it is exemplified in a man's:

  • Regular church attendance
  • Willingness to honor the Lord with his finances

D. Community: it is exemplified in a man's:

  • Witnessing to men in our work places
  • Witnessing to men wherever opportunity is given


MP3 men are committed to living honorably and respectfully before the Lord and others. It is our desire to always be:

  • A man of his word
  • A man who does what is right
  • A man dependable and responsible
  • A man investing in others


MP3 men are committed to understanding the sinful nature of men thus, demonstrating compassion, love and kindness as we reach-out to other men.

What Does MP3 Stand For?

MP3 is the acronym we use at Manhattan Christian Fellowship Church to describe the biblical role of manhood we have embraced from the Holy Bible. In scripture manhood can be understood and defined in three ways:

First, we find man functioning in the role of a "Priest" Revelation 1:6) this is his spiritual position with God his Father through Christ. Man is responsible for leading his family into a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and in the ways of God's Word.

Secondly, we find man functioning in a role as a "Provider" (1 Timothy 5:8). Man is responsible for providing for the basic needs of his family. He is to provide stability, security, and predictability.

Thirdly, we see man functioning in a role as a "Protector" (Ephesians 5:25). Man is to love his wife as he loves himself and cares for himself. He sacrifices himself to protect his family (Ephesians 5:25-33).

MP3 Personal Commitments

  1. Mentoring young boys
  2. Building strong life long relationships
  3. Praying for other men
  4. Studying the Word of God
  5.  Attending Church regularly
  6. Being dependable
  7. Being Supportive of others

"...When I became a man..." 1 Corinthians 13:11

A Biblical Definition of a Man
"A real man is one who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously and expects the greater reward, God's reward."
~ Dr. Robert Lewis